Issues with Assigning Attribute Tab Modification Access in PIM

Hello Atrocore Team,

We are facing a challenge with setting up attribute modifications in our PIM system and would appreciate your assistance.

Objective: We want to allow a specific team to have access to modify only a particular “attribute tab” in the PIM. However, we have encountered difficulties achieving this as it seems that granting access to modify tabs requires the ability to modify all attributes, which does not meet our requirements.

Current Issue:

  1. We have tested this configuration in the PIMdev environment for the warehouse team, specifically for the role of Facundo Escobar.
  2. Although the system allows for user-based team access and selecting teams for tabs, it does not function as expected. From the administrator user, it is not possible to assign the tab limitation effectively.

Further Testing: We conducted additional tests in the demo-extended environment and replicated the same issue:

  1. Created attributes and assigned them to their respective attribute groups and attribute tabs.
  2. Assigned these attribute groups and tabs to a classification.
  3. When searching for the attribute within the products of that classification, neither the group, the tab, nor the attributes appear.
  4. Notably, if an attribute is created without assigning it to a team, it appears without any issues.

Request: Could you please provide detailed guidance on how to properly configure this setup so that the limitation of tabs works as intended? We need to ensure that our team can modify only the designated attribute tabs without affecting other attributes. Your prompt assistance in resolving this issue today would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Franco Zanetti